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Grading Guide

Used Parts by default are listed as Used(Like New). Our used inventory goes through a 3 point system to ensure you are receiving the best product possible. In some rare cases parts may slip through this system and may not meet the quality you were expecting. In the event this happens, please feel free to contact us. As a customer of The Missing Brick, we want to make sure you are completely satsified with your purchase.

Parts with long smooth surfaces (i.e. tiles, large brick, panels, etc), are generally the parts we use the condition guide for.


Like New Very well cared for, no scratches.
Excellent One or two minor scratches/blemishes.
Good Showing minimal signs of uses. there are several scratches/blemishes visible.
Fair Shows significant use. Moderate scratches/blemishes visible.
Poor Shows signs of heavy use, deep scratches/blemishes visible.
Various Due to quantity the lot contains a mix of the condition listed above. We try to pick the best pieces first. 
 Last Updated: 11 Aug 2014